University of Virginia Library


De Larrocha : Musical Paradox



J.S. Bach: English Suite No. 2 in A Minor, BWV 807:
French Suite No. 6 in E Major. BWV 817; Italian Concerto in F
Major, BWV 971; Fantasia in C Minor, BWV 906.
CS-6748. $5.98.

Ever since I heard Alicia De Larrocha play the Bach English
Suite No. 2 in A Minor
in recital four or five years ago, I've
hoped that this superb Spanish pianist would make a recording
of Bach Keyboard music. Such a disk has appeared at long last,
and it lives up to my high hopes and expectations.

The recording, of course, is not one to please the purists.
Mme De Larrocha plays Bach's keyboard music on the piano
in a highly pianistic manner. While she employs none of the
"Romantic" tricks of octave doublings or register
transpositions, she also pays little or no attention to the
performance conventions of Bach's day. I noticed, for
example, no added ornamentation in any of these

Mme. De Larrocha's Bach, then, is "Classical" piano Bach.
She presents this music in a restrained, pensive, and noble way,
and I like to think that Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms
played Bach's music in much the same way.

Few pianists have matched Mme. De Larrocha in presenting
the poetry and poignancy of the Andante of the Italian
Her singing tone, her sinuous phrasing are a joy to
the ear.

The conception of the French Suite No. 6 in E Major is
remarkable, too. The eight dance movements seem a unit, yet
none of their individuality is sacrificed. Such a musical
paradox is indeed difficult to achieve.

The reading of the English Suite No. 2 in A Minor is based
on the same theory as that of the French Suite, but perhaps
because the work is less intimate and more monumental in
character, the attempt to unify without sacrificing the
individuality of the movements is not quite as successful.

The reproduction of the piano sound is excellent. There is
neither tinniness nor tubbiness, and the ambiance is the
appropriate one of a small and resonant recital hall.