University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Mind Fills With Junk
While World Pollutes

Dear Sir:

I find it appalling that I must be
taxed as a student to support a
newspaper which editorially
condones illicit drug usage.

If every student at the
University used illicit drugs, pot, or
any variation thereof, it would still
not make it the right thing to do.
Even legalizing usage would in no
way change the fact that
"mindbusting" drugs are just that.

How can so many students be so
concerned about so many situations
in this world that need changing,
CLEANING UP, or otherwise
altering for the better while at the
same time littering the most vital
part of their bodies with "junk"?
What's supposed to be so great
about that? The one place they can
keep clean without anybody's help
must be messed up, perhaps past
the point-of-no-return, or they're
not with it.

Furthermore, anyone, such as
the "pigs", who tries to stop the
flow of this litter is a big baddie or
a fascist oppressor. What a paradox!

Darlene L. Samsell
Graduate Env. Sci.

Ah, such innocence, as we saw
the best minds of our generation.


Sexism Denied

Dear Sir:

The assertion that Ed Michtom's
advertisements are sexist and
oppressive are illusory, Admittedly,
emphasis on legs or other
photogenic feature attractions do
tend to make the female an object,
rather than a warm subject with a
heart. Yet capitalistic realists and
hyperactive male chauvinists are
not to blame (especially the latter
who imagine grandiose designs for