University of Virginia Library


In the aftermath of last night's ballot
returns for those students seeking positions
on Student Council, Judiciary Committee and
the Senior Class, a number of candidates
approached us with the half-hearted request
that we make no mention of the usual light
voter turnout. Why? Well, the percentage was
not as heavy as usual–this time only 18 per
cent. Said the candidates, "we have enough
trouble with credibility without broadcasting
such a lack of student support."

The light voter turnout in Tuesday's and
yesterday's balloting is, in our sincere belief,
by no means a reflection upon the candidates
themselves but rather on the students of this
University. It is difficult to believe that a
candidate would go to all that trouble,
through all the stupid ridicule and unfounded
accusations of an entire week of campaigning
that he does–just to get another activity on
his record.

We are convinced that each candidate, the
losers as well as the victors, had at least a
slight if not a sincere or possibly even
profound interest in the students of this
University and in working for them. It is truly
a shame that anyone would think otherwise.
Furthermore, to forgo the vote as 82 per cent
of the students did is a mockery to their own

We congratulate the candidates elected and
hope now that they will live up to the trust
we have put in them.