University of Virginia Library

'Don't Call Again.' Click.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, this is
Barbara Hand with the Cavalier
Daily, and I'm doing a story about
ghosts in Albemarle County. Could
you tell me something about the
ghost in your home?"

My first few telephone inquiries
about reputed local ghosts ended
with curt responses of "I don't have
anything to tell you about that
subject. And don't bother to call
me again." Click.

My suspicions were aroused.
Even those persons quite willing to
share their ghost stories were
apprehensive about the subject.

When talking on the telephone
they would sometimes whisper as if
the ghost might hear. And during a
personal interview they would look
around cautiously as if to make
sure that their family ghost was not
listening to the conversation.

Though some interviewees
lightly laughed off the idea of
ghosts, most spoke of them with
great respect mixed with some

If these spirits are indeed only
creatures born of legend and
nourished by the imagination, why
would they almost universally cause
anxiety and apprehension?

Because the spiritual world
remains a well-kept mystery, a
ghost is rather hard to define. In
general, it is the spirit of a deceased
person who still lives in some
sphere of existence, occasionally
able to manifest itself to certain
individuals on earth.

Bitter controversy has raged on
for years over the validity of
scientific research of ghosts. One
scientist feels that the strong light
on their very existence clearly
indicates that man's five senses are
not capable of detecting all that
goes on around him.

Two sides could be taken to the
question of ghosts' existence. Some
agree that there is no reason to
deny ghosts or to fight back with
scientific law. It is far better to
understand that they are the stuff
of which dreams are made.

Others contend that on
statistical grounds alone the
existence of ghosts has been
securely established.

Which opinion should you
choose? Perhaps an open-minded
opinion of ghosts is the best. As
research continues to find a deeper
understanding of the spirit and
mind, the mystery of Albemarle
County's haunting haunts may be
cleared up.

But who knows – a ghost may
pop up in your room tonight!