University of Virginia Library

Backward Christian Soldier

Christian S. White, et al., that anomalous
amalgam of blabber and smoke which has
seemed at times determined to
single-handedly wipe out all thought-crimes,
sex-crimes, and imaginary crimes has, at least
temporarily been emasculated by the loss of
its et al. The good Christian went too far this
time, and, in challenging allocations to
virtually every student organization on the
Grounds, has alienated himself from his allies.

We can certainly sympathize with Mssrs.
Simon, Hurd, Williams, and Marcus in their
desire to disassociate themselves from Mr.
White's challenge. While these gentlemen are
still interested in challenging some of the
organizations (a small group – mostly alleged
as political by the challengers), they are not
interested in extrapolating wildly from the
Board of Visitors' decision and guidelines in
order to destroy the Student Activities Fund.
Their motives stand in glaring contrast to the
almost messianic mission Mr. White seems to
have taken upon himself.

Now that Mr. White has misinterpreted
even his co-challengers in order to utilize their
endorsement of his crusade, it appears that he
has no regard for the integrity of his fellow
students, for the Board of Visitors, for the
Student Activities Committee, for the
Student Council, or for the very worthy
activities in which students are engaged with
student activities funding at the University. In
fact, what he is doing is isolating himself in a
position opposed to the very function of a
university. For he seems to feel that, whatever
the will of the students in promoting diversity
and the free access to educational and
semi-educational pursuits, he must himself
challenge that will.

We hope that Mr. White's challenge gets
absolutely nowhere. If he so desires, let him
take it to court. If that is his choice, the
Board of Visitors must supply the needed
clarification of its guidelines and take him on
with both barrels leveling a full-scale attack
on his one-man vendetta against student