University of Virginia Library

Computer Aids Career Choice

The University of Virginia is one
of 132 colleges and universities in
the nation specialty selected for a
new, computerized program
designed to aid seniors and graduate
students in their choice of
employment interviews, it was
announced today by the placement

Known as GRAD II, the
program is being conducted by the
College Placement Council (CPC).
the non-profit organization best
known for its College Placement
The visit was so successful
the program is being expanded to
the 132 campuses. These were
recommended by the 117
employers in last year's program as
the institutions with enrollments
and placement programs that lent
themselves best to the system. The
number of participating employers

is expected to be even greater this

According to Lawrence A.
Simpson, director of placement, the
program will offer University of
Virginia students an opportunity to
see the full range of opportunities
offered by employers in the
program. Student participation is
free and entirely voluntary.

"One of the main purposes of
GRAD II is to, assist students to
better identify employers with
opportunities matching the
individual's qualifications and
interests," according to Mr.
Simpson. "The program should cut
down on the number of wasted
interviews on the one hand and on
the other should bring to the
attention of students some
employment opportunities which
might go overlooked without the
benefit of this type of system. This
latter point is especially important
today at a time when jobs are not
nearly as plentiful as they were a
few years ago."

Mr. Simpson emphasized,
however, that neither GRAD II nor
the Placement office can create
jobs; they merely help identify
employers with openings the
student should explore.

Mr. Simpson explained that the
process has already begun with the
input of employer job descriptions.
Immediately ahead is a collection of
information from students here and
from other campuses. Special forms
are available at the placement
office. Using this form, which takes
only a few minutes to complete,
the student can indicate the factors
which are important in his or her