University of Virginia Library


Parents Rip
Draft Bill

Dear Sir:

As parents of sons in the college
class of 1974, we thought you
would share our common concern
regarding the new draft legislation
voted upon by the House Armed
Services Committee that so
seriously affects this particular
college class.

The legislation extending the
draft recently passed by the House
of Representatives gives the
President authority to eliminate all
student deferments. However, the
President has stated publicly that
he will act to eliminate deferments
of only those students not enrolled
in college on April 23, 1970.

No matter what one's views are
on the subject of Vietnam, the
draft, or student deferments, it
seems most unjust to us to have
legislation eliminating draft
deferment for college students
apply retroactively only to students
now freshmen in college.

It is recognized that the present
sophomore, junior and senior
classes should, for equitable
reasons, continue to be deferred.
The class of 1974 is very much in
the same position and should, in
fairness, be treated the same way
having entered college with the
understanding that the law enabled
them to finish college before
performing their military service.
Had this not been the case, other
factors might have influenced their
college planning such as joining the
ROTC, or other reserve programs,
or enlisting after graduation from
high school.

The Senate Armed Services
Committee is formulating a bill for
presentation to the Senate almost

Because this is a matter of
immediate concern, it is our hope
that you will make known your
views as urgently and promptly as
possible to your Senators and
members of the Senate Armed
Services Committee who can be
addressed as Honorable John Doe,
United States Senate, Washington,
D.C. 20510

We are told that this can be
done most effectively by sending
individually written letters or
telegrams and contacting as many
people as possible so that they
might do the same.

Parents for Fair Draft Legislation

The following Senators sit on the
Armed Services Committee. We
encourage all students to make
their views known to them and to
their home state senators.


John C. Stennis, Miss., Chairman

Stuart Symington, Mo.

Margaret Chase Smith, Maine

Henry M. Jackson, Wash.

Strom Thurmond. S.C.

Sam J. Ervin,Jr. N.C.

John G. Tower, Tex.

Howard W. Cannon, New.

Peter H. Dominick, Colo.

Thomas J. McIntyre, N.H.

Barry Goldwater, Ariz.

Harry F Byrd, Jr. Va.

Richard S. Schwelker, Pa.

Harold E. Hughes, Iowa

William B. Saxbe, Ohio

Lloyd Bentsen, Tex.