University of Virginia Library

McGovern Fans Assail Editors

Dear Sir:

Just a friendly reminder that it
is almost "that time" again, and
that the Cavalier Daily would be
wise to prepare for it. There are
only several months left to go, you

Repeatedly, the influence which
the Cavalier Daily has desired to
exert on the attitudes of the
students of the University has been
dampened by the inconsistencies in
the positions the editors of the C.D.

Only last year, your editorial
columns severely reprimanded
Thurmond Wenzl for his use of
profanity during a Student Council
meeting, yet this year your
newspaper managed to let slip into
print a large picture of some
indecent chap sporting a STONED
FUCKER T-shirt. Was it not as
recent as last May that your editors
reiterated "that we believe that
anyone, strikers or faculty
members, who imposes his own
views through coercion is taking
unethical action and deserves to be
admonished for it"? How then do
these editors explain the $27,000
and upwards allocated to their
publication yearly - "financial aid"
which can only be said to be
coerced from the studentry as
comprehensive fees?

Gentlemen, we ask you, is this

Surely the sooner some
uniformity is shown by your
editors, the better.

It would appear your
publication suffers from a lack of
talented, industrious staff members,
depending mainly on whatever
material that happens to be turned
in from time to time. Your editors
are printing all of it, regardless of
its quality or consistency, simply
because they have nothing else to
print. Although your editorial staff
and various columnists may be
inept and inefficient, your reporters
and news analysts do an
outstanding job.

Doubtless, such seasoned pros as
these can see the direction the news
is taking. They cannot just sit back
idly until something happens and
then say "My God! Did that really
happen!?" can they? Of course not!
They see the big stories on the way
just as surely as they know where
the winds will be later if they know
which direction they are blowing in
now. Surely these reporters and
analysts can see that the honorable
Senator George McGovern can
easily win the Democratic
Presidential nomination.

So it is here in this letter that we
offer a suggestion to help alleviate
the situation of masses without a
leader. If it acts now, the Cavalier
Daily can influence the political
bent of the studentry in plenty of
time for the 1972 elections.

What luck! Mr. McGovern's
liberal stands make him just the
man to deserve the support which
the Cavalier Daily can give him. He
is as outspoken a person as any
other, besides Martha Mitchell. You