University of Virginia Library

Police Arrest 'C'ville 68'

Prominent criminal lawyer, was himself
arrested at the police station
yesterday morning as the attempted
to aid his son.

Mr. Cook was released later on
$25 bail and reportedly is going to
sue the authorities for false arrest.

Booking procedures at the
police station stretched through the
morning. The bonds set ranged
from $500 cash and $1,000
property bonds down to the
signature of the accused.

However, all bonds were made
peace bonds at the request of
Commonwealth's Attorney Jack
Camblos. If any of the arrested are
to be re-arrested for further illegal
protesting, the money deposited
will be forfeited.

Most of the bail money was
either provided by the persons
arrested, their friends, or by the
Virginia Progressive Party. Reports
that the University had provided
bail for all University students and
their dates proved unfounded.

Although there were no exact
figures, authorities at the police
station reported that a number of
those arrested were not University
students. Included in the ranks of
those apprehended were a Buildings
and Grounds Department person,
two high school students, one high
school teacher, and a pizza
delivery man on his way to Carr's

All those arrested were charged
with failure to disperse when
ordered from an unlawful assembly.
The arrests, made under the
Virginia Riot Act, will probably be
viewed as misdemeanors, although
Mr. Camblos did say that it may be
raised to a felony for some of the

At Saturday - afternoon's rally
on the Lawn, however, Monrad
Paulsen, Dean of the Law School,
and John Lowe, Student Council
counsel, both stated that they were
released, it is believed that about 70
persons were arrested.

For the remainder of the night,
police patrolled the Grounds on
foot while others drove around the
fraternity area. Witnesses in the
Rugby Road houses claimed that
police cars passed through on the
average of twice a minute.

Some sources also claimed that,
during one of their later marches
down the Lawn, many officers were
seen tearing down strike posters
from doors and columns.

The fraternity houses which
were entered reportedly included
Phi Gam, Phi Kap, Zeta, ATO, Pi
Lam, and KA.

R.C. Cook, the father of one of
the arrested students and a prom-more
than optimistic that only a
few of the students will be
convicted on the charges.