University of Virginia Library

Nuclear Bombs And Small Green Buildings


A cylindrical tube just up
from a small green paneled
building just down the hill
from the observatory and
nestles snugly against the
Virginia foliage.

It's a peaceful setting not
representative of crime
detection, respiratory disease
research, and tobacco analysis,
but in this building the nuclear
reactor makes these possible as
it works from 15 to 20 hours
each week.

At first sight, the nuclear
reactor resembles a type of
puzzle or building block
construction. Thin strips of
uranium are enclosed in several
rectangular blocks of
aluminum. Cylindrical
extensions attached to the
bottom of each block are fit
into round holes cut in a metal
baseboard and wired to an
electrical system. When each
rectangle is inserted in a hole, a
uniform structure of aluminum
and uranium about three feet
tall is created.

With the flick of an
electrical switch, the
11-year-old reactor begins to
generate, sending a soft blue
glow throughout the
surrounding water. This is the
sign that the inner mass of
uranium is supporting a chain
reaction which, if not
controlled, would react as a
high-powered bomb.

"The structure is immersed
in a 28-foot pool of purified
water which is a shield against
radiation," explains William H.
Rasin, senior reactor operator.
"Since the reactor carries a
power source of two million
watts which is tremendous
compared to the 300 to 400
watt reactors owned by most
colleges, the water is a
necessary protective agent."

A constant guard against
radiation is necessary and as of
yet no one has been subject to
it. However, when visitors
come they are asked to carry
two small tube-shaped
dosimeters which measure any
radiation and are checked on a
reader at the tour's end.

The radiation is a necessity
for experimental work. In the
morning the reactor is used by
nuclear engineering students in

training for fields in reactor
design, engineering, and
medical research, but the
afternoons are left open for
practical use.

"We've been analyzing
tobacco products for Philip
Morris Company and also
working in conjunction with
the hospital making gold seals
for implant in cancer patients,"
comments Mr. Rasin. "When
the seal is inserted in the
tumorous area, the radiation
kills the tumor and in most
cases prevents it from
returning. Another current
experiment is 'Oxygen 19'
which works with radioactive
isotopes to help fight
respiratory diseases."

"We've also been involved in
some crime detection in which
the nuclear reactor has helped
to find the basis of local
arsenic poisoning."

The reactor is financed by
the state and each experiment
must be cleared by the Reactor
Safety Commission of six men
before it can actually be

"Right now were in the
process of building a smaller
100 watt reactor for use in
student instruction," continues
Mr. Rasin. "It's based on the
design of the larger one and is
being built from scratch. As
project manager, I have help
from the five permanent staff
members and from several
engineering students.

"As an undergraduate
student at the University, I'm
glad to be working here
because it gives me an
opportunity to study while
doing something I like. The
nuclear reactor is definitely a
worthwhile piece of equipment
for both the students and the
community. Unfortunately,
few college students visit to
find out what the reactor
actually is. Our largest groups
are from the department of
radiology and high school

It's a nice break from
homework to take a short
stroll from behind Watson
House along the wooded lane
that bears right and stops at
the green building. A tour of
the nuclear reactor will last 20
minutes for some and no more
than an hour for more
interested students. Even
non-science and
non-engineering majors will
find it a comprehensible and
profitable experience.