University of Virginia Library

Suitehearts Rushing Into Brotherhood


With the entering first-year
class 38 per cent female, the
social structure of the
University is at a point of
tremendous challenge and
change. The idea of
co educating fraternities, or
associating coeds with
fraternities, is a relatively new
concept – particularly on a
sizable scale

With rush starting it is
especially important that
first-year women are aware of
these changes Many
fraternities are rushing
girls sending out invitations to
individuals as well as to halls
and suites. While it seems
evident that some fraternities
just want the girls at the parties
for the purpose of meeting new
people, it is just as evident that
some are rushing girls because
they are seeking some kind of
girl affiliation.

This type of affiliation can
take many forms. Some
possibilities include girls as
social members or Little
Sisters; they could also
participate in some type of
eating arrangements.

The results of girls'
affiliations with fraternities has
had some interesting results.
Two years ago, one fraternity
pledged a female and problems
were encountered. It turned
out the girl was interested in
more than just friendships on a
platonic level–a condition that
put marked strain on the
house. While this relationship
was terminated quickly, the
president of the house said he
would not be adverse to trying
it again provided the right type
of girls were found. However,
he added that this particular
house was not sending out
invitations to girls for rush.

At Theta Chi, a Little Sister
affiliation was initiated last
spring, and claims a successful
record. The girls differ from
the brothers in several respects.
First, they are not selected in
the normal rush, but in a
special Little Sister rush.
Secondly, they do not have a
vote in the meetings nor are
they allowed to sit in.
However, they can voice their
opinions, and their influence is
a factor. Thirdly, they pay
much less in dues than the
actual brothers ($40 a year,
exclusive of meals).


Little Sisters: Social Co-education "Working Excellently"

It should be emphasized
that the girls are not selected
because they are dating
someone in the house They
are chosen by the interest they
show in the house and are
rushed and selected in a similar
manner to men There is a
separate rush for men and
women, however. Women are
invited at random or perhaps
because someone knows them
from a hometown.

Steve Spence, president of
Theta Chi. expressed the view
that the fraternities are an
extension of University
facilities and that girls should
be included. While saying the
program was under a lot of
skepticism last spring, when it
was first suggested, Mr. Spence
said. "The program is working
excellently." He added that
brothers in the house were
fully behind the program

Barbara Bishopric and
Marty Ford, both second-year
students, have been in Theta
Chi since last March. They said
they have had a good time and
have enjoyed the experience.
They added that they spend
about the same amount of time
at the house as most male
members do and that they take
their meals there. "It is a good
place to go and be with
friends," they commented.

The addition of girls to
Theta Chi seems to have
significantly changed the
atmosphere. There is more
enthusiasm for community
service and various other
projects. While more
consideration now seems
present in the house, Mr.
Spence and the girls
emphasized that everyone is at
ease and no one feels inhibited.

The girls are not date
chairmen for the brothers of
the house and are under no
obligation for specific duties
(cooking or cleaning, for
example). They do as little or as
much as they want. They are
to have a voice in the current
rush and selection of new male
members. Plans for a Little
Sister rush are being discussed
for sometime this semester,
possibly after formal rush is

Whether or not this type of
affiliation or something similar
to it is in the works at other
fraternities is an open question.
Some certainly are considering
these options and have
expressed an interest in girl
affiliations. So girls–rush is
starting for you, too. Check
with the individual
houses indicate your interest!

These possibilities usually
include coeds as social
members or Little Sisters,
usually in conjunction with
those programs some type of
eating arrangements are talked
about. These are not
necessarily all the possibilities,
but some of the more common
ones being discussed or
presently in operation.