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IFC Previews Innovative Year

IFC Previews Innovative Year


What University student
organization is
male-dominated, meets on
University property, and–most
unusually—is financially

"The Interfraternity
Council is composed of two
separate legislative bodies,"
explained IFC President Bob
Byron. "One is the President's
Council, made up of the 33
house presidents, and then
there's the Governing Board:
four officers, four Governing
Board members, and two men
from the Committee on
Fraternities, the University
administrative committee
which supervises fraternity

"The purpose of the IFC,
quite simply, is to assist,
supervise, and regulate the 33
fraternities in any way we can.
As a regulatory agency, it is of
course sometimes a
policy-making board, when

The IFC's biggest
responsibility in that area is, of
course, Rush, to be initiated
October 2 with dorm visits,
and to be climaxed on Bid
Friday, November 3–Openings.

"The major changes in this
year's Rush," Mr. Byron
pointed our, "are that it starts
later because of the football
schedule, and it allows both
first-year men and fraternity
men to adjust to school.

"The IFC will also
distribute a single-page flyer
with a map of fraternity areas
on one side and a rush schedule
on the other."


IFC Expands Service Projects To University And Community

Rush will also afford the
IFC a chance to initiate
competition for its Community
Service Award, shared last year
by Sigma Alpha Mu and Delta
Tau Delta. The first Saturday
of Rush is reserved for an
entire IFC community service

One service project to be
continued is the IFC's
"Big-Brother" Basketball
League. "Last year we had
sixteen houses sponsoring
teams of eight-to-ten boys,'
said Mr. Byron. "Just about all
of those houses bought them
uniforms and provided
equipment and leadership."

The Community Service
Committee was, in fact, the
IFC's most active over the last
year in his estimation, assisting
any interested house in finding
an appropriate project.

"The IFC also works with
the Intramural Department in
sponsoring the High-Point
League. About 20-25 sports are
represented, with every house
participating. There are very
few forfeits.'

The IFC will also attempt
to continue bringing social
events to the University as a
whole, beginning with a beer
party which it is co-sponsoring
this Wednesday between
Emmett and Humphrey dorms.

Another major concern is
IFC weekend, which will
probably include the
traditional beer party in the
Dell, followed by the concert
that evening. Although no
program has been announced
yet, performances the past two
years have presented
Steppenwolf and the like and
Tina Turner Revue.

"I was also interested in
sponsoring a mini-concert
series," offered Mr. Byron,
'but I don t think we'll be able
to finance it this year.'

"The IFC is of course a
strictly self-supporting group.
Our budget is strictly made up
of dues from the houses. We
receive no aid from student