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Students Preserve Traditional Apparatus Of Self-Government
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Students Preserve
Traditional Apparatus
Of Self-Government

the secretaries of each school.
Students of the University enjoy
wide freedom in cashing checks
almost anywhere in the area on the
strength of the Honor System, and
it is the function of the Bad Check
Committee to see that this privilege
is not abused. Fines may be
imposed on repeated offenders of
the check-cashing privilege.

The committee also serves as a
clearing house for any business
cashing students' checks. A student
reported to the committee for a
bad check will be required to
appear before the committee, and
may be fined up to 10 dollars and
possibly be suspended for a third

To help the Student Council in
their task, two committees have
been originated to deal with the
specific problems of the dormitory
living areas.

The First-Year Committee,
founded in 1963 as an advisory
body to the Council, works to solve
the problems peculiar to the
first-year man and to provide him
with a voice in student affairs..
Representatives to the Committee
are elected from each hall in the
McCornick Road dormitories and
from each suite in he new
Observatory Hill dormitories.


The chairman, elected by the
other committeemen, serves as a
liaison between the group and the
Council, and attends the latter's
meetings, although he may not

In 1966 the Alderman Road
Committee was established along
the same lines as the First-Year
Committee. This group works to
provide better conditions in the
upperclass dorms, encourages
interest in student government
among the residents as well as
sponsoring dances and other social
events for them.