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Tennis Buffs Appeased As Eleven Courts Open
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Tennis Buffs Appeased
As Eleven Courts Open

Eleven new hard-surface tennis
courts are slated to open this week
at the University, which should
help case the overcrowding that has
plagued the Lady Astor Courts in
recent years. The courts are a gift
to the University from the Perry
Foundation of Charlottesville.

"This generous gift of the Perry
Foundation will greatly help us in
providing adequate recreational
facilities for the University
Community," said Director of
University Athletic Programs
Eugene F. Corrigan in receiving the

Seven of the new courts are
located on Emmett St., near the
University Hall complex, and four
in the Bonnycastle Dell. The gift
includes funds for three additional
courts to be located in an as yet
undisclosed site. Construction on
these courts is expected to begin
shortly, according to Mr. Corrigan.

In addition to the new courts,
the five lower courts in the Lady
Astor group are being resurfaced.
The new courts have a Lakold
surface. It should eliminate the
maintenance problems which have
plagued the Lady Astor Courts in
recent years.

The courts at University Hall
should open today or tomorrow,
with those in the Dell opening
sometime this weekend. Three of
the Lady Astor Courts will open
this week, with the rest opening
next week. Mr. Corrigan noted
that the increasing size of the
University rendered the Lady Astor
Courts inadequate. Last year there
was a student to court ratio of 720
to one, with a number of faculty,
administration, and staff personnel
also using the facilities.


Photo by Saxon Holt

Eleven New Tennis Courts To Open Soon On The Grounds

Long-Needed Facilities To Ease Overcrowding At Lady Astor