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Old, New Thinclads Support Track Program
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Old, New Thinclads
Support Track Program

Coach Lou Onesty and his
Cavalier trackmen are anxiously
awaiting the completion of their
new, nine lane, Tartan track possibly
this year and certainly by the
1971 season.

With much of last year's squad
returning and a few excellent
first-year prospects lined up, Coach
Onesty is hoping to improve over
last year's 5-3 record.

One of the brightest returning
prospects in the field events is
broad-jumper Jim Shannon.
Shannon, a third-year man, will be
hoping to fill the shoes of ACC
champion Mike Harvey who
graduated last year.

More points in the field events
will come from shot-putters Al
Sinesky, a fourth yearman, and
Andy Jay, a second yearman, Jay
will team up with returning Mike
Wilkes to make a strong duo in the
discus. Wilkes will also be strong in
the javelin.

Two first-yearmen, Jerry Hart, a
4:24 miler from Pedde School and
Phil Myers, from Kentucky, will be
welcome additions on the track.