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Is It Women's Lib?
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Is It Women's Lib?


For many University
students, the term "Women's
Committee" conjures some
fantastic images. It is surprising
how many people's first
reaction is something like "Is it
women's lib?" At this time,
when 1500 additional women
will be arriving at the
University in the fall, it is
important that the true nature
of the Committee be cleared

The Women's
Committee is a subcommittee
of Student Council. It was
formed in May of 1971 by some
interested students who
foresaw general difficulties
with the rapid coeducation of
the University.

The Committee's basic
purpose is to provide the
women students a forum for
the exchange of ideas. The
Committee can supply
information to women or
direct them to the sources of
information for their interests,
and it is available to help
arrange activities in which
women are specifically

The Committee
supplements the goals of
Student Council by aiding
women in such areas as
athletics and recreation,
housing, security, social
activities, and student health.
In some of these areas changes
and improvements are being
made. However, the
Committee can work with
students in following the
course of these changes.

Each female student who
enrolls at the University
automatically becomes a
member of the Committee.
Therefore there are as many
types of interests represented
in the Committee as there are
women at the University. The
outlook for the future work of
the Committee is quite broad.

First, the Women's
Committee will present a
program at 4 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 12 in Old Cabell
Hall auditorium. This idea was
encouraged when a demand
was realized second semester
last year for information about
extracurricular activities. This
resulted in "Orientation, Phase
II" which proved helpful for
first year students in particular.

The Big Sister Program,
which was new last fall, is
being revised. The aim of this
project is to bring first year
and upperclass women
together. Fewer than half the
first year women may be
assigned to a Big Sister this
year. This will serve as a source
of comparison at the end of
the year to judge the project's

An idea for the publication
of a graduate student directory
has also been developed. This
will include the names of
women graduate students and
their areas of study. Rising
women students could consult
this to find others with the
same major interests.

These are a few of the ideas
which have come up and can
be realized. However, these
projects are for you and
therefore need your help.
Indication of your interest can
be shown by attending
meetings, which will be held in
Newcomb Hall.

These meetings are designed
to answer questions, express
ideas, and perhaps find
projects that interest
University women. That is the
whole idea of the Committee,
and you are invited to share in