University of Virginia Library

ROTC Group Aids POW Mail Effort

The Trident Honor Society of the
Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at
the University announced plans last week
to sponsor a project this spring in
obtaining fair treatment of Americans
held prisoner in North Vietnam.

The project will attempt to secure
signatures from members of the
Charlottesville community on letters to
be sent to the President of North
Vietnam reminding the North Vietnamese
that, according to the Geneva Accord of
1949, which they signed, they are required to
furnish a full list of all prisoners of war, permit
a free flow of mail, and release all sick and
wounded prisoners.

In order to obtain signatures and also to
offer people an opportunity to send their own
letters of concern, members of the society will
man tables at the Barracks Road Sing
Center in front of Woolco's and People's Drug
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 27, April 17,
and May 1.

The Trident Society urges anyone in the
area during those times to stop by and express
his concern for obtaining humane treatment for
Americans held captive in North Vietnam.