University of Virginia Library

Son Of Charlottesville Judge
Arrested Saturday For Arson

Allan N. Spitzer, Jr., son of the
Charlottesville Municipal Court Judge,
Allan N. Spitzer, was arrested early
Saturday on arson charges.

Mr. Spitzer is one of four
Charlottesville men who are being held in
the Augusta County jail on the arson
charges stemming from a fire Thursday that
destroyed a $16,000 house still under

Woodson L. Frye, Jr., 25, Bernard L. Jones,
26, and Marshall L. Thomas, 21, are being held
with Mr. Spitzer, 21, in lieu of $25,000 bond.
Mr. Spitzer was apprehended at 3:15 a.m.
Saturday and the three others were picked up
about 8 hours later.

The arrests were made by Augusta detectives
George E. Stephenson and Glenn P. Lloyd. The
two entered the case after suspicion arose that
the home may have been destroyed

Spokesmen for the sheriff's department
refused to comment on what evidence led to
the arrests.