University of Virginia Library

Former Ambassador Judges
District's Support Of Marsh

Murat W. Williams, an alumnus of the
University and former career diplomat
will speak at the Law School Tuesday on
the "Deflation of Commitments Abroad
and Reflation of Moral Authority."

Having held many distinguished positions
during his foreign service career, Mr.
Williams, now in retirement, is directing his
interests towards politics on the home front.

A past ambassador to San Salvador who
retired to a Madison county cattle farm, Mr.
Williams said in a speech at Culpeper earlier
this month that Virginia's Seventh Congressional
District needs to seek new leadership.

The Seventh District's representative to
Congress, John Marsh, is up for re-election this

Following his speech at the University, Mr.
Williams will engage in a speaking tour taking
him across the entire district to determine
whether the people of the district want a
change in their candidate.

The Chairman of the Seventh District, John
W. Williams, has announced that the nominee
will be chosen by a party convention this year.
The delegates to the convention will be chosen
by voice vote in mass rallies in each county of
the district.

Because the Central Committee of the state
Democratic Party recently ruled that attendants
at these rallies need only be 18, University
support could be essential.

Mr. Williams, a former Rhodes Scholar, has
been very active in the political campaigns of
Senator Armistead Booth and Senator Eugene
McCarthy's 1968 campaign. The speculation is
that he will run against Congressman Marsh in
the upcoming convention.