University of Virginia Library

Fine Arts Competition End
Approaches As Entries Lag

Students are reminded by the
University Union that the two
deadlines for the Fine Arts Contest
are rapidly approaching.

December 8 is the last day for
entries in the short story, poetry,
and one-act play categories. The
deadline for art, photography,
and satirical essays is January

The Fine Arts Committee reports
that entries have been coming
in slowly and there is still
an excellent chance to win the
$50 prize for first place that is
offered in each of the six categories.
Awards of $15 and $10
are offered for second and third
places in each category.

In addition to the prize money,
there is the added incentive of
the student's having his work
published. Winning entries in the
short story, poetry, and photography
(black and white only)
categories will be featured in the
Mid-Winters issue of the University
of Virginia Magazine. The
winning satirical essay will be
published in Rapier Magazine
while the one-act play will be
presented by the Virginia Players.

Entries should be brought to
the University Union office,
fourth floor, Newcomb Hall.