University of Virginia Library


Council Airs Ideas

Beginning tonight at 7
University radio stations
WUVA and WTJU will
broadcast a series of
interviews with Student
Council members in an effort
to keep students informed of
Council happenings.

The program, aired on
alternate Thursday nights, will
have as its first guests Student
Council President Jim Rinaca
and Vice-President Larry

The format of the program
will include a brief interview of
the guest by a panel followed
by questions from the listening
audience. People wishing to ask
questions should call 925-3418
between 7 and 8 p.m.

Banker To Speak

Mr. E.H. van Eeghaen, the
director of a Dutch bank, will
speak on "China as a World
Power and Trading Partner",
today at 3 p.m. in the Law
School Lounge.

Mr. van Eeghen has recently
visited extensively to negotiate
trade agreements with the
People's Republic of China.

Chicago Trial Movie

A benefit showing of the "The
Chicago Conspiracy Trial" will
be presented on Tuesday at
4 and 7 p.m. in James
Wilson Auditorium.

The film is a re-enactment of
the trial of the Chicago 7. All
of the film's dialogue and
action are taken directly from
the trial's official transcript.

The trial involved seven
anti-war leaders charged with
conspiracy to riot during the
1968 Democratic Convention
in Chicago.

Convictions against five of
the seven defendants were
recently reversed.

Proceeds go to the
Post-Conviction Assistance
Project, a legal aid organization
for Virginia prisoners at the

Admission is $1 for students
and $2 for non-students.