University of Virginia Library


WUVA Airs College Candidates

A panel discussion featuring
the four candidates for College
president will be shown
Monday at 7:30 p.m. on
Cablevision Channel 10.

The program, sponsored by
WUVA, will be moderated by
WUVA News and Public
Affairs Director Brad Face
Questioners will include
WUVA President Wyatt
Andrews, WIJU Station
Manager Joe Bourdow and
Cavalier Daily I d Walter

Presidential candidates
Richard Berkeley Dave Horan,
John I ench and Mike Miller
will answer questions on their
platforms and discuss issues
affecting the University:

Council Correction

Yesterday it was
erroneously reported that
Student Council would not fund the
Union of University Students,
the War Games Club, the Radical
Student Union or the
Charlottesville Draft Counsel.

It was not Council that will
deny the funds, but the
Students Activities Committee.
The Radical Student Union
and the Charlottesville Draft
Counsel will not receive funds
because they did not apply.

Women's Politics

The Women's Political
Causus is sponsoring a 10-week
course for women in "practical
politics," beginning Monday.

Natlie Saroff will teach the
class on Monday nights form
7:30 to 9:30 at the
Wesley Foundation, 1908
Lewis Mountain Road. The
cost is $3 worth of books.

The objective of the course
is to develop organizational
skill and to teach practical
knowledge of the political