University of Virginia Library


Council Funds Cafe

Student Council Tuesday
night allocated $300 from its
special activities fund to the
Law School Council to aid in
re-furnishing "Tony's", the
cafe in Clarke hall.

Presently under the
management of Food Services,
the cafe franchise will be
transferred to the Law School
Council in February or March,
Law School Vice President
Joseph Schwartz said.

According to Council's
agreement, the Law School
Council will sell the furnishings
when the school moves to its
new building, and at that time
money from the sale will be
returned to Council.

Education Transfers

Applications are now being
accepted for transfer to the
Undergraduate Program in the
Education School.

Second-year students
seeking admission for the Fall
of 1973 may obtain
applications and counseling at
the Admissions Office in the
Rotunda, or at Student Affairs,
104 Peabody Hall until Dec.

Students who are unable to
meet these requirements may
inquire in Room 172 in the
new Education School Building
after Dec. 22.

The deadline for applying is
Feb. 15, 1973.

BSA President

The Cavalier Daily
erroneously reported in
Tuesday's issue that Edward
Saunders was the president of
the Black Students Alliance
(BSA). The BSA president is
William Ivey.