University of Virginia Library


Society Plans Debate

The Jefferson Society will
present a public debate
between College fourth-year
man Bill Hurd and second-year
Law student Kevin Mannix
tonight at 8 p.m. in Jefferson
Hall on the West Range.

Mr. Hurd, Virginia College
Coordinator of the Young
Voters for the President, and
Mr. Mannix, Democratic
Coordinator for the seventh
district, will discuss the merits
of Mr. Nixon and Mr.
McGovern. A question and
answer period will follow.

'Fire Side Chat'

Democratic Presidential
Candidate George S. McGovern
will appear on nation-wide
television this Sunday. The
"fireside chat" style program
will begin at 10 p.m. on the
NBC television network.

The program, to discuss
domestic issues, is not
expected to be advertised in
advance. The broadcast, the
third in a series of 15 and 30
minute programs, is designed
to fully acquaint the voters
with George McGovern's
programs and policies.

Health Care Meeting

Virginia students for
Community Health will hold
its first meeting Monday at 7
p.m. in the South Meeting
Room of Newcomb Hall.

The organization, which has
as its goal "free medical care
for all," is affiliated with the
Charlottesville Free Medical

Luria Speaks

Nobel laureate Salvador
Luria will speak today at 2
p.m. in Wilson Hall Auditorium
on "The Responsibility of

A party for Mr. Luria and
McGovern supporters will be
held at the home of Dr.
Malcolm Provus, 2662
Jefferson Park Circle, 8-12
p.m. Admission to the speech
is free, but the charge for the
party is two dollars.