University of Virginia Library


Judge Upholds Bigelow Court Eviction

A Virginia Weekly reporter who was
expelled from a Charlottesville courtroom last
spring has lost his court case against the

Jeff Bigelow, staff member of the Virginia
Weekly, petitioned the Charlottesville
Corporation Court for a writ of error against
Judge Ralph P. Zehler of Juvenile Court.

Judge Zehler ordered Mr. Bigelow to leave
the courtroom, where a case was in session. He
cited a state law protecting the names of
juveniles involved in court cases and charged
the newspaper with "irresponsible journalism."

O. Raymond Cundiff, Judge of the
Corporation Court of Lynchburg, took the
place of Charlottesville Judge George M.
Colesim trying the case. Judge Coles decided
that he was too closely associated with the case
to decide it.

F. Guthrie Gordon, attorney for Mr.
Bigelow, said that his client would appeal the
ruling to the Virginia Supreme Court.

Arboretum Request

The University Committee on the
Arboretum has requested that trees on the
Grounds not be defaced with tacks or posters.

The committee has observed that trees on
the Grounds have been used as places to post
signs and propaganda leaflets of various kinds,
using nails, thumb tacks and tape.

The committee has requested the
Department of Buildings and Grounds to
remove all such material and to bill the
offenders for the cost of such service.

Mitchell Exhibition

The DuPont Galleries of Mary Washington
College is presenting and exhibition of the
works and library of John Mitchell, and
eighteenth century Virginia scientist.

The exhibition, located in the Fine Arts
Center will be on display from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays, and it is free and open to
the public.

Poetry Contest

The Kansas City Poetry Contests, which
offer $1,600 in prizes, will accept poem entries
by full-time undergraduate college students
through February 1, 1972, the contest directors
have announced.

Prizes of $100 will be awarded to six poets
for individual poems. Winners will be
announced on May 1, 1971.

Information on contest rules may be
obtained by sending a stamped, self-addresses
business envelope to Poetry Contests Directors,
P.O. Box 5313, Kansas City, Missouri.

Conservation Tour

The World Wildlife Fund, a global
conservation organization will sponsor an
ecologically inspired series of tours to the
wildlife sanctuaries and nature preserves of

The tours, the first of their kind, include
viewing the one horned Indian rhinoceros on
the back of an elephant, seeing elephants from
motor launches at a lake preserve, and viewing
tigers and Indian lions.