University of Virginia Library

Law School Applicants Double;
Admissions Exceed Available Space

In the past three years the number of
students seeking admission to Law School
has more than doubled. Unfortunately
the number of available spaces has not
kept pace; during the past 100,000
students competed for 34,500 available
spaces. The outlook for next year is not
expected to by any brighter; this past
year alone saw a 33% increase in the
number of applications, and at this time
no admissions officer is willing to hazard a
guess as to what the figures will be next year.

In light of the existing admissions crunch,
the Pre-Law Advisors urge all applicants to have
their applications completed by January 1st.
This means that all applicants should take the
October 16th administration of the LSAT; then
if they do not do well they will be able to
retake the test on December 18th and still have
their application complete early in January.

The full calender for the 1971-72 testing
year with test dates and closing dates for
registration are as follows: Test date - October
16, 1971, registration deadline - September
24, 1971; December 18, 1971, deadline - November 26, 1971; February 12, 1972,
deadline - January 21, 1972; April 8, deadline
- March 17; July 29, deadline - July 7.

There will be no afternoon part of the Law
School Admission Test next year. The test fee
has been reduced to twelve dollars.

The Pre-Law Advisors wish to remind all
degree candidates who have applied to Law
School and have not been accepted to contact
the Advisors at the Office of Placement, 5
Minor Hall.