University of Virginia Library

Board Approves Parietal Hours

In a mid-week meeting in
Fredericksburg the Board of Visitors
decided to approve the University's
present parietal hours and make no

The Board was bound by law to
review the University's policy on parietal
hours as result of a resolution passed by
the state Assembly last month. The
resolution was introduced by State Senator
George Bateman who complained to the
assembly that "sex had gotten out of hand" at
state colleges.

The resolution required that all state college
trustees review the visitation policies of their
respective institutions. After meeting with
University administrators and interested
student groups, the Board decided that the
present University policy is satisfactory.

With this decision the University became the
first state institution to act on the Bateman

In talking with students after the meeting,
the Board's newest member Senator Hugh
Scott, said, "These old men just don't
understand young men and women. When I was
first informed of he Bateman resolution I
thought they were kidding." He added that
when he was a student at the University there
were no parietal restrictions.

Student Council President, Kevin Mannix,
who presented the Board with the
recommendations of the Student Council's ad
hoc committee on the loco parentis, said, "The
Board listened quite carefully to our proposals.
I think it had a great effect on their decision."

Vice President for Student Affairs, D. Alan
Williams, said he was pleased with the Board's
decision and blasted what he called "the
Midwestern morality of the Bateman