University of Virginia Library

Mad Hall Prints
Legal Aid Guide

The Student Aid and Lawyer Referral
Service of Madison Hall has just published
the first in its legal aid handbook series
on areas of law in which students most
frequently encounter difficulty. This
booklet on Landlord — Tenant Law is
now being distributed free of charge to

Covering such questions as "Writing
One's Own Lease," deposits, eviction,
responsibilities for repairs, and sub-leases, this
fifteen page booklet also includes a section
listing clauses that should be avoided in the
lease if possible, as well as clauses that should
be included.

In an effort to answer many of the questions
that are raised by students who are seeking
housing outside the University, this handbook
is being available at the peak of apartment
hunting season. Copies of the booklet are
available at the Main Desk of Newcomb Hall,
Mincer's Pipe Shop, the Off-Ground Housing
Office in the basement of Emmet House, and
the Student Aid Office at Madison Hall.

Questions which are not covered by the
booklet or questions in other areas of the law
may be directed to the Student Aid and Lawyer
Referral Office of Madison Hall