University of Virginia Library

Circle K Studies
Housing Problem

Circle K will present "A Discussion of
Landlord-Tenant Relationships", a
meeting designed for open discussion of
current problems in off-grounds housing,
tonight at 7:30.

Representatives from three agencies
will appear. Included are J.C. McElreen
and Jack Young from the Legal Aid
Society, and Jack Chambers and James
Marshall from the Charlottesville Realtors
Association, Ralph Main, the University's
Director of Housing, will also appear.

Each gentleman will make a brief
introductory speech, after which the floor will
be opened for discussion. At the conclusion of
the meeting, representatives from Legal Aid will
distribute copies of their pamphlet entitled
"Landlord & Tenant Laws".

The sponsors hope that this meeting will
serve not only to educate area tenants, but also
to give them an opportunity to air their
complaints regarding the current plight of
off-grounds housing.