University of Virginia Library

Saunier Plans
News Network

A new system of internal
communications will be established at the
University to provide a wider range of
information to the faculty, staff and
students, Edwin M. Crawford, Vice
President for Public Affairs, announced

Responsibility for planning and
coordinating the new program has been
given to Paul Saunier Jr., director of
University relations, whose title is being
changed to director of University community

In making the announcement, Crawford said
that "while the University has an extensive
external public information program through
the department of Information Services, recent
events and projected growth of the University
in the 1970's clearly indicate the need for a
major, full-time effort to develop and maintain
effective internal communications throughout
the University community.

"While Mr. Saunier will continue in his
assignment as the University's coordinator of
Equal Opportunity Programs, he is to devote
full time to the coordination of existing
internal information activities, preparation of
special informational materials for
dissemination and proposing new means of
internal communications and information," Mr.
Crawford said. Mr. Saunier will also be
responsible for informing University
departments of opportunities for grants and
contracts from federal agencies.