University of Virginia Library

Numismatist Discusses Coin Find

A University of Colorado numismatist
and underwater archaeologist Robert L.
Hohlfelder will discuss tomorrow the
results of an exploration of the
submerged ruins at Kenchreai, located on
the Saronic Gulf.

Mr. Hohlfelder, a history professor at
Colorado, will present the illustrated
lecture at 8:15 p.m., in the South
Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall.
Speaking on "Archaeology Beneath the Sea:
The Kenchreai Campaigns," Mr. Hohlfelder will
discuss techniques of underwater excavation,
survey, and photography.

Notable among the finds are the ruins of a
temple of Isis. The ancient travel-writer,
Pausanleas, mentioned a presence of Isis at
Kenchreai, and the area is also associated with
the tenth and eleventh books of Apuleius, "The
Golden Ass."

The archaeological campaigns at Kenchreai
are being conducted jointly by the University
of Chicago and Indiana University, Mr.
Hohlfelder served as numismatist and
underwater archaeologist for the campaigns of
1963, 1964, and 1968. In 1968, he was the
holder of a fellowship from the National
Endowment for the Humanities.

The author of "Clio Beneath the Sea:
Underwater Archaeology, A New Source of Old
and New World History," and of an article to
appear in "Hesperia" on the deposit of coins
from Kenchreai, Mr. Hohlfelder is now
preparing a corpus of coins at the ancient ruins,
as well as a catalogue of the Burton Y. Berry
collection of Greek coins at Indiana University.

The presentation is sponsored by the
Charlottesville Society of the Archaeological
Institute of America.