University of Virginia Library

Student Council Commences Curriculum Evaluation

The Student Council's Curriculum
Evaluation Committee is again making
arrangements to gather information for a
teacher-course evaluation to be published
next semester. The book would be used
for pre-registration for courses nest fall.

Jim Bradshaw, Chairman of the
committee organizing the publication,
explained the objectives of the course
survey which will be held this week.
"Though we have been pleased with the past
reports, we are constantly striving to improve
them. This year we have attempted to broaden
the objective base of our analysis, utilizing the
University's computer facilities. Hopefully, this
will give us a better insight into the various
courses," Mr. Bradshaw said.

This year's report will include courses in the
Commerce and Engineering Schools for the first
time. Past reports have included only courses in
the College.

The completed evaluation for the three
schools will be published in a booklet which
will go on sale "well before" fall
pro-registration late this spring. Mr. Bradshaw

Since this evaluation will be the first to be
computerized, the procedure for filling out the
forms has been altered drastically, Mr.
Bradshaw requests that students remember to
bring a pencil with them to class and that
faculty members bring as many extra pencils to
class also.

Mr. Bradshaw said that the forms and
instructions for the evaluation will be
distributed to faculty members this week. They
are asked to fill out a green form for each
course. They are also asked to write the course
code number on the blackboard when the class
is filling out the evaluation sheets.

The evaluation sheets have 32 questions
concerning the course and a section for
additional comments about the course.
Students are asked to fill out all sections of the
report, especially Section IV. Here you are
asked to describe the strengths and weaknesses
of the course. Bradshaw explained.

Any person with questions or suggestions
concerning the evaluation should contact either
Mr. Bradshaw at 295-6097 or the editor from
the individual's school. Don Langevoort
(295-9310) is the editor for the College, Gene
Lockhart for the Engineering School
(295-7771) and Glen Urghart (295-6097) for
the Commerce School.