University of Virginia Library

Eliades Applies
For US Visa

Panos Eliades, University crew coach,
has applied for a permanent visa for
residence after appearing before the
Office of Immigration and Naturalization
last Friday.

Mr. Eliades was summoned to
Washington because his labor permit had
expired. Classified as an accountant-clerk, Mr.
Eliades has applied to have his labor status
recertified by the government.

According to some of the members of the
crew team, Mr. Eliades feared that he would
not be permitted to work since he has not
obtained U.S. citizenship.

Mr. Eliades does not get paid by the
University for his work with the crew team.

Magruder Dent, attorney for the crew coach,
told The Cavalier Daily yesterday that the
outcome of the petition for a permanent visa
will not be known for about 45 days at which
time the U.S. Immigration officials will make a
routine check of Mr. Eliades.