University of Virginia Library

French Contest
Deadline Set

Entries to the annual Maas French Essay
Contest may be submitted to the Department
of Romance Languages, it has been announced.

The final date for submitting entries for the
contest, which is open to all undergraduates
enrolled in the University, is March 1, 1971
Students interested in participating in the
contest should contact Professor Robert W.
Artinian, 301 Cabell Hall.

A first prize of $600 and a second prize of
$300 are offered this year for the best papers
written in French on some aspect of
Franco-American relations. Essays must be
between 2500 and 3000 words in length.
Subjects must be approved or suggested by
members of the committee in charge of
administering the contest.

This prize was established in 1953 with a
donation of $10,000 by the late Mrs. Kittyn M.
Maas as a memorial to her husband, Lieutenant
Commander Charles Maas, USNFR.