University of Virginia Library

Education-School Selects Myers, Lesley

In a record turn out of voters on
March 24 and 25 the School of Education
elected David Myers President and Lourraine
Lesley Vice President of the student

Riding on the election vote was a proposition
of a new foul page constitution which was
accepted in a vote of 121 to 5. The success of
the new constitution followed a conscientious
effort by the out-going President Denise
O'Brien to circulate copies of the proposition,
and inform students of its composition.

During the same elections Martha Cook was
elected Secretary of the School of William
McDermott was chosen as Treasurer. Debra
Kroner will sit on the Judiciary Committee for
the Education School, and Mary Ann Dzama
was chosen to the Graduate Council seat.

The Student Council seat for the Undergraduate
School of Education was invalidated
and will not be decided upon until May. The
grounds for invalidation was that nominees had
not submitted a nominating petition to the
Council with 25 names in support.

The conflict between the School and the
Student Council election guidelines have been
removed by the acceptance of the new
constitution; a re-run election for the seat will
ride on the University-wide elections scheduled
to be held in May.


Photo By Mike Crossley

President-Elect David Myers Consults Vice President-Elect Lourraine Lesley.

Two Were Victors In Education School's Pre-Vacation Record-Setting Election.

The President of the School will no longer
serve as the President of the Student Education
Association, which double leadership was
"lacky" according to Miss O'Brien. Barbara
Smith will head the S.E.A. for the coming term.