University of Virginia Library

YAF Plans War Rallies;
Marsh, Gieson To Speak

John Kwapisz, chairman of the University
chapter of the Young Americans
for Freedom, announced today that the
YAF will hold "TELL IT TO HANOI"
rallies for "Peace with Freedom and
Honor in Vietnam" this Friday and
Saturday nights.

The rallies will feature movies on
Vietnam and Communism which will be
shown in Tuttle House Lounge on both
nights from 7 to midnight. Saturday evening
there will also be several featured speakers who
will address the group and answer questions.

Marsh To Speak

The main speakers will be Democratic
Congressman John Marsh, and his former
Republican opponent A. R. "Pete" Gieson,
Charlottesville Mayor G. A. Vogt, and possibly
Senator Harry Byrd, Jr.

The purpose of the rally, according to a
YAF news release, is to "tell Hanoi to begin
serious negotiating and to end the war, and to
demonstrate support for President Nixon's
efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace in
Southeast Asia."

'Fly The Flag'

The YAF is urging "students and citizens to
fly the flag and to turn on their car and porch
lights this weekend in order to demonstrate
support for America's efforts to attain a just
and humane end to the war in Vietnam."

The University's chapter of YAF, in
coordination with the national YAF, is also
distributing petitions throughout Virginia to
ask Hanoi to respond to American offers to end
the war.

Both the University community and Charlottesville
citizens are invited by YAF to attend
the rally programs and to signify their support
of Mr. Nixon's efforts to attain a peace in
Vietnam by signing the petitions.