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Tilka, Elis Tap New Members;
College Officers Among Chosen


Photo By Frank Blechman

Peter Schmidt, New IMP Society King, Holds Crown

Society Honored University Students in Sunday Ceremony

Amid the shouting and drumbeating
late Thursday night, eighteen
students were tapped for the
University's two ribbon societies as
Eli Banana took three new members
and T.I.L.K.A. chose fifteen
new members.

Sydney A. Gervin and John K.
Rhoades, both third-year College,
and Randall C. Coleman, second
year College, were elected to Eli
Banana, and will wear the pin
featuring the banana emblazoned
over a sky blue ribbon of Eli."

T.I.L.K.A. Society tapped fifteen
new members as follows:
Gordon R. Calvert, Martin F.
Evans, Richard B. Gwathmey, T.J.
Jackson Lears, David M. Liverette,
Patton B. Saul, and Charles L.
Woody, fourth-year College; George
Brown, Whittington W. Clement,
Steven M. Hayes, S. Douglas Hixson,
Gregory R. Hodges, J. Rucker
McCarty, third-year College; John
T. Bakhaus, third-year Commerce;
and E. Parker Brown, first-year
Law. They will wear their society's
pin with a gold "T" in the center.

The ribbon societies are both
steeped in University traditions, as
the Elis were founded in 1878 and
T.I.L.K.A. in 1889 to bring together
students on a social basis and
reward them for service to the
University. Membership in each
society is considered to be a great
honor for any student selected for