University of Virginia Library

Peace Corps Sets Meetings


6 p.m.—Sigma Phi fraternity, 163 Rugby Road, slides and
informal discussion with returned Peace Corps volunteers
about their experiences overseas.

7 p.m.—Residents of Monroe Hill Houses meet with returned
Peace Corps volunteers for discussion in Tucker

7:30 p.m.—Geology Honor Fraternity, Brooks Museum,
discussion of opportunities for geologists in the Peace

8 p.m.—Residents of the Alderman Road Houses meet
with returned Peace Corps volunteers for informal discussion.


10 a.m.—Modern language aptitude test, Conference
Room, Newcomb Hall. (This 30 minute test must accompany
Peace Corps application.)

4 p.m.—Modern language test, Conference Room.

6 p.m.—"And You Ask Why?" Slide-lecture by Linda
Park, returned Peace Corps volunteer from the Philippines
and University graduate student, South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall.

7 p.m.—Residents of McCormick Road Houses meet with
returned Peace Corps volunteers for informal discussion
in Echols House Lounge.

9 p.m.—Pi Lambda fraternity, 503 15th Street, slides and
talk with returned volunteers.

9:30 p.m.—Newman Club, St. Thomas Parish, returned
Peace Corps volunteers show slides and talk about their
work overseas.


7 p.m.—Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, 1707 Grady Avenue.

7:30 p.m.—Peace Corps movie, "Confrontation," Room
4-C, Newcomb Hall.

(The modern language aptitude test will be given in the
Conference Room at 10 a.m., 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.)


(The modern language aptitude test will be given in the
Conference Room at 10 a.m., 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.)


(The modern language aptitude test will be given at 10
a.m. and 12 noon in the Conference Room.)