University of Virginia Library

VCHR Questions Hiring Practices

President Edgar F. Shannon
has been asked by the Charlottesville
Council on Human
Relations to send a representative
to a public meeting to explain
University practices in hiring
temporary employees.

University hiring practices
have come under fire many times
in the past, most recently by W.
Lester Banks, executive secretary
of the Virginia NAACP.

Temporary workers at the
University are paid by the hour
and do not receive the fringe
benefits of permanent employees.

Last June, in reply to charges
of racial discrimination made by
Mr. Banks, Paul J. Jenkins, University
Personnel Director,
acknowledged that the denial of
fringe benefits under state regulations
had been an employee
grievance voiced both by white
and Negro temporary workers,
but he denied discrimination by
the University in hiring.

The investigation of University
hiring practices is being undertaken
by a fifth committee on
unemployment. The other committees
are examining court
justice, housing, voting, and
"white-Negro communications."

Mrs. Carolyn Worall, president
of the Council on Human
Relations, said yesterday that Mr.
Shannon has not let the VCHR
know yet whether the University
will send a representative to the
public meeting.

In the letter of invitation to
Mr. Shannon, Mrs. Worall wrote
that she had heard that many
University employees classed as
temporary "are in fact full-time
employees." The letter went on
to say that ". . .these 'temporary
employees' do not enjoy retirement
benefits, sick leave, annual
leave, and other benefits of
regular employees; that many
such employees are Negroes;
that many receive marginal pay;
and that the 'temporary' classification
constitutes an unfair kind
of discrimination, since state
employees are prevented by law
from taking vigorous collective
action on their own behalf."

Mrs. Worall explained that the
point of the letter was to "set
the record straight in an area
where widespread and continuing
community distrust and dissatisfaction
appear to exist."

The Human Relations Council
meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m.
Wednesday, December 6, at the
First Baptist Church on West
Main Street.