University of Virginia Library

Discusses Selective Service

Shea Plans Speech After Resisting Draft

By Bill Bennet

Following his appearance at
the army induction center in
Richmond this morning, James
Shea, assistant professor of philosophy
at George Mason College,
will speak here in Newcomb
Hall, Room 4A, at 8 this evening.

Mr. Shea will relate his experience
at the induction center and
discuss his reasons for resisting
the draft. He will also present a
commentary on the broad question
of selective service.

Having previously announced
his intentions to refuse induction
today, Mr. Shea has indicated
that he will go to prison to serve
the maximum five-year sentence
if necessary.

The Southern Student Organizing
Committee, in conjunction
with other local groups, is planning
a non-violent protest at Mr.
Shea's induction this morning.
Thirty or forty protesters are expected
to picket the center, including
a group of 10 students
from the University chapter of

There will also be groups present
from the Washington Mobilization
to end the War, the SSOC
chapter in Richmond, and a
number of Mr. Shea's students
from George Mason College.

According to Bob Tufty, secretary-treasurer
of the University
chapter of SSOC, the pickets
hope to influence the induction
officers to declare Mr. Shea administratively
unfit. His classification
would then be changed
from 1-A delinquent to 4-F.

Mr. Tufty also stated that the
29-year-old Shea could be classified
4-F for physical reasons.

If he is not declared 4-F, Mr.
Shea will then follow a course
which could lead to his arrest.
He has stated that he will refuse
to step forward to take the military
oath of allegiance, thus becoming
liable for immediate imprisonment.

Mr. Shea will have a lawyer
and bail money with him at the
induction center if this situation
should arise.