University of Virginia Library

In Nationwide Survey

Universities Report Car Rules

According to a survey released
recently, the University generally
agrees with the car privilege
policies pursued by 47 other national

Southern Illinois University,
sampling colleges in 30 states,
found universities "generally
require the registration of motor
vehicles for on-campus use, and
often for off-campus."

Of 57.4 per cent of schools
that restrict the use of cars, it
was found that most deny freshmen
the privilege of keeping a
car at school.

Other bases for restriction were
grades, 21.2 per cent, distance
from campus, 14.8 per cent, and
work need and disability, each
19.1 per cent.

On the question of the type
of on-campus transportation provided
for single undergraduates,
affirmative responses were given
for motorized cycles, 65.9 per
automobiles, 70.2 per cent;
buses, 38.2 per cent; bicycles, 34
per cent; and legs, 4.2 per cent.

Major problems cited in the
survey were lack of parking, 80.8
per cent; traffic congestion, 55.2
per cent; traffic violations on
campus, 42.5 per cent; and abuse
of driving privileges, 19.1 per cent
of the schools reporting.

The survey noted that, although
a student on disciplinary
or academic probation may be
permitted to operate a motor
vehicle, "disciplinary action
against traffic violations may result
in placing a student on

On the question of parking
facilities, 91.4 per cent of the
reporting universities said
they provided on-campus parking
lots for students, and 23.4 per
cent added that off-campus lots
were also available.