University of Virginia Library

SSOC's Campaign For 'Phone-In'
Elicits Little Student Response

According to a spokesman for
the Virginia Telephone and Telegraph
Co., there has been limited
response to the Southern Student
Organizing Committee's campaign
to protest the company's
service to University students.

The spokesman said that only
four students called to complain

Posters around the Grounds
had asked students to call the
company between 3 and 4 p.m.
during the three days of the

According to Robert Tufty,
who organized the project, the
phone-in is an "organized protest"
against the poor service afforded
University students. This is the
first organized protest of its kind
launched against the phone company.

Mr. Tufty said the purpose of
the protest is to let people know
that these grievances exist and
to up the lines for an hour
to immobilize the phone company
and let them know how things
are on the University end of the

Tomorrow and Thursday the
SSOC will petition to request
better relations and greater cooperation
between operators and
students, and better maintenance
of phones.