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Program To Hire Tutors
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Program To Hire Tutors

The Summer Preparatory
Program for high-potential
in-coming students is hiring
student assistants for the
program. There will be a
meeting for applicants in
Room 4B of Newcomb Hall on
Wednesday, at 4 p.m.

The program conducts a
nine-week academic program
to prepare them for the
following academic year.
Interested students should also
apply for the dormitory
counselor program because the
summer assistant's tutorial and
counseling duties may carry
over to the following academic

Williams To Speak

Seventh District Democratic
candidate for Congress Murat
Williams will speak to the
Raven Society tonight at 8 in
the Graduate Lounge, West
Range. He will speak on
"Politics: Ideas, Images and
'Ombuds'." A discussion will
follow. The public is invited.

City Lighting Meeting

City Traffic Engineer Hugh
Malanga will meet tonight at 7
in the South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall to answer
questions concerning city
lighting. All who are interested
are invited to attend.

Student Escorts

Alpha Phi Omega Service
Fraternity is organizing male
student escorts to work
three-hour shifts one or two
nights a month to escort women
on or near the grounds.
Interested students should
leave their names with the
Office of Student Affairs.

'Boys In The Band'

The Virginia Players'
premier production of the
spring season will be "Boys in
the Band" by Mart Crowley.
The show will run from Feb.
26 through March 4 with
curtain at 8:30 p.m. and a
Sunday matinee at 2:30 p.m.
Reservations may be made at
the Minor Hall box office from
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or by calling

War/Peace Studies

The School of Continuing
Education will offer an
inter-disciplinary survey
study-discussion course on
"the tensions, aggressions and
history that cause war and the
alternative means that could
produce peace."

The course will meet at 8
p.m. Wednesdays at
Westminster Church, 190
Rugby Rd. The course fee will
be $15 for singles, $20 for
couples and $10 for students.
For further information call
Mrs. Mary Updike (924-7114)
at the School of Continuing