The Cavalier daily Thursday, January 4, 1973 | ||
Airport Tax Asked
Charlottesville City Council
Tuesday night requested an
enabling law from the state
legislature for a security
boarding tax up to $3 to cover
the cost of new federal
anti-hijacking controls.
Both city and county acted
on recommendation of the
Airport Board. "The user of
the airport ought to be paying
rather than the taxpayer," City
Manager Cole Hendrix said.
Mr. Hendrix told Council
that a guard will have to be on
duty from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
seven days a week. It would
cost $30,000 to $35,000
annually to employ four or five
guards needed to meet federal
Professors On Nixon
The Government and
Foreign Affairs Student
Association will meet tonight
at 8 p.m. in the Graduate
Lounge, West Range.
Government and Foreign
Affairs Prof. Dante L. Germino
and History Profs. William H.
Harbaugh and Norman A.
Graebner will discuss "Nixon:
Four Down. Four To Go!"
The Cavalier daily Thursday, January 4, 1973 | ||