University of Virginia Library


BSA Elects Gould As 73-74 Chairman

First-year College man
Anthony Gould was elected
chairman of the Black Student
Alliance (BSA) for the 1973-74
school year. Second-year
College students Eugene
Claiborne and Lynda Person
were elected vice-chairman and
secretary, respectively.

Third-year Commerce
student Roger Smith was
elected treasurer.

First-year College student
Sheila Cobbs and first-year
Architecture student William S
Cooper were elected as
Communications and
Community Relations
Committee chairmen,
respectively. First-year College
student Rachel Swann will
serve as Academics Committee
chairman and second-year
College student Sheila rder
was elected Black Culture
Week Committee chairman.

Second-year College
representatives to the BSA
Review Committee are Carolyn
Hilton and Thomas Sanderson.
Representing third-year College
students are Charles Conyers
and Debra Gross. Fourth-year
College representatives are
Emanuel Holmes and Leon
White. Graduate student
representatives are first-year
Law student Martin Bolton and
second-year Law student John

There will be a call meeting
of the BSA Tuesday in the
South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall.

Horse Show

The University Riding Club
will sponsor the first University
of Virginia Horse Show this
Saturday. The show will be
held at the Farmington Hunt
Club, five miles west of
Charlottesville on Barracks

The show, which starts at
9:30 a.m. and lasts all day, will
have 13 classes ranging from
jumping to apple bobbing.
Four ribbons will be awarded
per class. The public is invited.

Summer Session

Pre-registration for the
1973 Summer Session will
continue through next Friday
for those students who
submitted an Intent to Register
Card by April 26 Others
wishing to attend should file
applications by May 21 and
register on June 19

The Summer session will
commence June 18 and end
August 18.

Student advising and
registration will be held on
June 18 and June 19
respectively, and classes will
start on June 20.

Multiple Sclerosis

The Blue Ridge National
Multiple Sclerosis Society is
sponsoring a Workshop for
patients and workers at the
Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Saturday, form 10
a.m. to 1:20 p.m. For further
information call 295-7956.

Pre-Law Society

There will be a mandatory
election meeting of the John B
Minor Pre-Law society in
Jefferson Hall on the West
Range, Tuesday, at 8 p.m.

A brief business meeting
will also be held at that time
and beer will be served after
the meeting.