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Trouble Shooter
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Trouble Shooter

Consumer Information
Service of Madison Hall–call
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at 293-4949.

Q.–Several months ago I
took my VW to British Motors
to have an oil leak repaired.
When I got the car back, it
wouldn't start. During this
second repair job, some motor
parts were broken. The
repairman wouldn't give me
the broken parts, but offered
to split the costs with me to
get the VW running again. I
took the VW to Don Mann's
Volkswagen, where I finally
got the car repaired. Do I have
to pay Don Mann for the work
he did, and what must I pay
British Motors?–Mrs. H.C.

A.–After consulting a
lawyer, Mrs. H.C. was advised
to pay for the cost of fixing
the oil leak and to split the
costs for second, seemingly
unnecessary, repair job. British
Motors did agree to pay Don
Mann for the work done there,
but only ager going through a

Q.–After recently joining
Columbia Record Club, I was
to have received my first
monthly selection. I wrote to
the Club several times asking
why I had received no records.
All I have received are notices
from a collection agency. I
have moved since joining, and
informed the Club of the
address change.–S.M.

A.–Consumer Information
Service received a prompt reply
from Columbia Record Club
informing us the S.M. was
being cleared of all charges
resulting from a mistake on
their part. Record clubs
normally respond promptly
and satisfactorily to our
inquiries, and show a genuine
desire to maintain good
customer relations.