University of Virginia Library

Shannon Approves Ruling
For Ticketing Meter Violators


University President Edgar
F. Shannon Jr. approved an
addition to the University
Motor Vehicles regulation
yesterday which will provide
for the ticketing of cars parked
overtime in metered parking

Security police have not
previously exercised a power to
ticket vehicles improperly
parked in "restricted and
regulated" areas because
Albemarle County has no laws
pertaining to meters.

Mr. Shannon said in his
statement that he "deems" the
changes necessary "to facilitate
the free movement of traffic
within the University

University Legal Adviser
Neill H. Alford Jr. explained
that the "Board of Visitors is
delegated the right to establish
the University's traffic and
parking regulations by state

"President Shannon is now
exercising his delegated rights
from the Board in authorizing
this addition to the
regulations," he said.

Security Director W. Wade
Bromwell confirmed that the
time length, days, and hours
that metered parking is in
effect "will be posted on all
meters." He noted that the
new regulation "is effective as
of now," but that the would
wait "a reasonable period of
time" before clamping down
on meter offenders in order to
let news of the policy change