University of Virginia Library


Nursing Dean Lauded

Nursing School Dean
Phyllis J. Verhonick has been
named a Charter Fellow of the
new National Academy of
Nursing by the Board of
Directors of the American
Nurses' Association (A.N.A.)

Dr. Verhonick is among the
36 nursing leaders chosen by
the A.N.A. Board at a meeting
establishing the Academy last

Dr. Verhonick was
recognized for research and
practice regarding decubitus

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid to
Students Office is attempting
to mail appropriate financial
aid applicatons to every
undergraduate student
currently on aid. Any such
student who has not received
his application by Feb. 15
should contact the Financial
Aid Office in Levering Hall to
secure appropriate forms.

Counselor Hopefuls

A meeting for prospective
first year and upperclass
counselors will be held tonight
at 9 p.m. in the New Chemistry
Building auditorium. Interested
students who cannot attend
will find applications in the
Kent-Dabney Student Affairs

Student Collision

First-year college student
Margaret Priddy, is in the
orthopedic ward of University
Hospital after colliding with a
car yesterday noon, while
riding her bike on Newcomb

A Hospital spokesman
reported her in satisfactory
condition with an injured
collar bone and minor cuts on
the face.

Miss Priddy drove her bike
into the rear of a car owned by
Benjamin K. Bennett, who
pressed no charges. After the
incident, the rescue squad took
Miss Priddy to the

Heart Fund

The University community
is invited to contribute to the
Heart Fund Drive, sponsored
on the grounds by the
University Republican Club.

Checks should be made out
to the Heart Fund, and may be
mailed to the University
Republican Club, Box 87,
Newcomb Hall.