University of Virginia Library


Genetics Panel

An unusual case of genetic
disease which generates a
number of questions in genetic
counseling will be discussed at
the Medicine and Society
Conference in the Medical
School Auditorium tomorrow
at 1 p.m.

The panel will discuss the
rapid progress in the fields of
genetics and reproductive
medicine that has posed many
new social and ethical
problems for the doctor.

The panel will include
James M. McCullough, Science
Policy Research Division,
Library of Congress; Joseph
Fletcher, Visiting Prof. of
Medical Ethics; Genetic
Counselor Terry L. Myers, and
Thomas Hunter.

IFC Elections

The Inter-Fraternity
Council will hold elections for
new officers on Tuesday at 7
p.m. in the South Meeting
Room on Newcomb Hall. Four
officers' positions and two
Governing Board seats will be

Graduate Mixer

The Graduate Committee of
the University Union will
present the local band, "The
City Council," at the Graduate
Mixer to be held in the
Rotunda Friday from 8:30
p.m. to midnight. Tickets will
be sold at the door for $1.50.
Refreshments will be provided
and the University community
is invited.