University of Virginia Library


Garner Wins College Secretary By One Vote

Bill Garner won the post of College
secretary last night, edging Gaylon
Layfield by one vote.

Mr. Garner received 974 votes to Mr.
Layfield's 973 in the election in which
2,388 votes were cast.

Student Council's Elections
Committee conducted several recounts to
determine the outcome of the close
election. Both candidates agreed to
accept the recount results without a
runoff election.

Phil Farris, the only other candidate,
received 441 votes.

Security Reports Asked

Students having knowledge of possible
improper conduct by University Security
officers are asked to report such action to
the Student Council offices.

FOE Attacks Equal Rights


Budget Hearing Announced

The Student Council Committee for
Organizations and Publications announces
organization budget hearings beginning
April 11. Any existing student
organization which desires student funds
for the coming academic year must
appear before the committee at this time.

For further information please
contact Student Council Offices.

Tibetan Monk To Speak

The elder brother of Tibet's Dalai
Lama Thubten Jigme Norbu, will visit the
University April 12-26.

During his stay Norbu will lecture
twice and lead several conferences on
Tibetan culture.

Mr. Norbu, educated as a monk, was
the abbot of one of Tibet's largest
monasteries until he left the country soon
after the communists arrived in 1949.

Now assistant professor of Uralic and
Altaic Studies at Indiana University,
Norbu was recognized as a child of the
24th reincarnation of the 15th century
Tibetan monk and teacher Tagster.

'Flaming Men' Speech

Dr. Joseph Kaplan, Physics Prof.
Emeritus of the University of California
at Los Angeles, will speak on "Flaming
Men of the Sky" at 8 p.m., April 10 in
the Medical School Amphitheater.

One of a series of lectures sponsored
by the University's Environmental
Sciences Department, the speech will
assess the influence of research conducted
during the International Geophysical
Year 1957-58 on the destiny of man. The
public is invited.

Campaign Cleanup

All candidates in Honor Committee
elections this week must file campaign
expenditures reports with the Student
Elections Committee by 4 p.m., April 20.

Candidates must remove campaign
materials from the Grounds by April 11
in order to receive their $10 bond